Brood, Broods, Brooded, Brooding Quiz

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Brood, Broods, Brooded, Brooding Quiz Questions

1. The hen is _____ twelve eggs this time.

A. Brooding

B. Brood

C. Broods

D. Brooded

2. He _____ the problem all night.

A. Brood

B. Brooding

C. Broods

D. Brooded

3. The bird was trying to find food for its _____.

A. Brooded

B. Brooding

C. Brood

D. Broods

4. Her best known works were "The Sunne in Splendour", "When Christ and His Saints Slept", "Here Be Dragons", "The Reckoning The Reckoning", "Time and Chance" and "Devil's _____".

A. Brooded

B. Brood

C. Brooding

D. Broods

5. She _____ over her failure.

A. Brood

B. Brooding

C. Brooded

D. Broods

6. The "rollers" roll and bury a dung ball either for food storage or to make a _____ ball.

A. Brood

B. Broods

C. Brooded

D. Brooding

7. Don't sit at home _____ all day.

A. Brood

B. Brooded

C. Brooding

D. Broods

8. Mary has a whole _____ of grandchildren.

A. Brooding

B. Brood

C. Brooded

D. Broods

9. This is called _____ parasitism.

A. Brood

B. Broods

C. Brooded

D. Brooding

10. There's no point _____ over it - she's gone.

A. Brood

B. Brooded

C. Broods

D. Brooding

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