Broach, Broaches, Broached, Broaching Quiz

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Broach, Broaches, Broached, Broaching Quiz Questions

1. He _____ a barrel of cider.

A. Broaching

B. Broached

C. Broach

D. Broaches

2. I wondered how I should _____ the subject .

A. Broaching

B. Broach

C. Broached

D. Broaches

3. A _____, often worn to keep a cloak closed, could be highly decorated with jewels.

A. Broach

B. Broaching

C. Broaches

D. Broached

4. She _____ the subject of a picnic to her mother.

A. Broaches

B. Broach

C. Broaching

D. Broached

5. I _____ the subject of his past.

A. Broaching

B. Broached

C. Broaches

D. Broach

6. Her beloved _____ was nowhere to be found.

A. Broach

B. Broaches

C. Broaching

D. Broached

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