Belie, Belies, Belied, Belying Quiz

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Belie, Belies, Belied, Belying Quiz Questions

1. Her pleasant manner _____ her true character.

A. Belied

B. Belying

C. Belies

D. Belie

2. The modesty of their home _____ their great wealth.

A. Belying

B. Belie

C. Belies

D. Belied

3. As with many comedy ensembles, the Albertos _____ their comic aspirations by their exemplary musicianship, and they released three albums and a variety of spoof discs, culminating in the musical play, "Snuff Rock".

A. Belied

B. Belie

C. Belies

D. Belying

4. His cheerful smile _____ his words.

A. Belie

B. Belies

C. Belied

D. Belying

5. His smile _____ his anger.

A. Belies

B. Belying

C. Belie

D. Belied

6. Her cruelty _____ her kind words.

A. Belie

B. Belying

C. Belied

D. Belies

7. War _____ hopes for peace.

A. Belied

B. Belying

C. Belies

D. Belie

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