Bawl, Bawls, Bawled, Bawling Quiz

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Bawl, Bawls, Bawled, Bawling Quiz Questions

1. When they are angry or upset, they can bellow or _____ quite loudly.

A. Bawl

B. Bawled

C. Bawls

D. Bawling

2. They could hear a baby _____ somewhere.

A. Bawl

B. Bawls

C. Bawling

D. Bawled

3. 'Tickets please!' _____ the conductor.

A. Bawl

B. Bawling

C. Bawls

D. Bawled

4. Maw na sung ma naw in, amaw sa pi ma in leimi in i piang a, a khawh ma ma - gam lua a i lua suhsuh ih mawnate ma ei _____ in eima pumpi ei man muda maithei, Ih mawnate -eeng taang gol lua a hi man in khat veivei eima mawnate eimon maisah zolo maithei va-ia kim lai, tuate lip khap sih saang a pamai eisa, ei khua tua ngeet-nguut ngeng ngong man a ih dial dual liang luang mawna nei van nuai ei mai sah thop valong, abieh huai tapo ma Jehova ki chi Pasian khat a na om ngang tangh hi.

A. Bawls

B. Bawling

C. Bawl

D. Bawled

5. He _____ at me.

A. Bawled

B. Bawl

C. Bawls

D. Bawling

6. He was afraid Vic would _____ him out for being late.

A. Bawl

B. Bawled

C. Bawls

D. Bawling

7. On the ice, pups call their mothers by "_____" and "mumble" while playing with others.

A. Bawling

B. Bawl

C. Bawls

D. Bawled

8. The peddler _____ his wares in the street.

A. Bawling

B. Bawls

C. Bawled

D. Bawl

9. Calves are said to _____, cows moo and bulls bellow.

A. Bawling

B. Bawled

C. Bawl

D. Bawls

10. The sergeant _____ commands.

A. Bawls

B. Bawled

C. Bawl

D. Bawling

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