Bask, Basks, Basked, Basking Quiz

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Bask, Basks, Basked, Basking Quiz Questions

1. Turtles like to _____ in the sun.

A. Bask

B. Basked

C. Basking

D. Basks

2. I certainly don't want to _____ in any reflected glory .

A. Basks

B. Basking

C. Basked

D. Bask

3. She _____ in the admiration of the media.

A. Basked

B. Basks

C. Bask

D. Basking

4. Lizards were _____ in the morning sun.

A. Bask

B. Basked

C. Basking

D. Basks

5. The _____ shark is the second largest shark in the world, only to be behind the Whale shark.

A. Bask

B. Basking

C. Basks

D. Basked

6. They _____ themselves on the sunny beach.

A. Bask

B. Basked

C. Basking

D. Basks

7. Due to the long amount of time it takes to mature, and the slow reproductive rate, the _____ shark is vulnerable to over-fishing, and targeted populations are very slow to recover from targeted fisheries.

A. Basked

B. Basking

C. Bask

D. Basks

8. The _____ shark is a coastal-pelagic zonepelagic species, found throughout the world's arctic and temperate waters.

A. Basked

B. Basks

C. Basking

D. Bask

9. The Himalayan Pit Viper is a habitually sluggish snake that _____ in sunlight and hibernates in winter.

A. Basking

B. Bask

C. Basked

D. Basks

10. Tenerife was _____ in afternoon sunshine as they arrived.

A. Basking

B. Basks

C. Bask

D. Basked

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