Base, Bases, Based, Basing Quiz

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Base, Bases, Based, Basing Quiz Questions

1. The statue was mounted on a marble _____.

A. Based

B. Basing

C. Base

D. Bases

2. The TV play was _____ on real life.

A. Based

B. Base

C. Bases

D. Basing

3. The _____ was braced for an attack.

A. Based

B. Bases

C. Base

D. Basing

4. The new organization will be _____ in Dallas.

A. Base

B. Bases

C. Based

D. Basing

5. The machine rests on a wide _____ of steel.

A. Base

B. Bases

C. Based

D. Basing

6. He felt a kinship with only other American on the _____.

A. Basing

B. Based

C. Bases

D. Base

7. The guerrillas were said to be operating from _____ inside the war zone.

A. Bases

B. Based

C. Base

D. Basing

8. He was killed by an axe blow to the _____ of his skull.

A. Based

B. Bases

C. Basing

D. Base

9. Three of the army _____ have been ticketed for closure.

A. Bases

B. Based

C. Basing

D. Base

10. The neighbors' suspicions were chaff of the lowest sort _____ on gossip.

A. Based

B. Bases

C. Basing

D. Base

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