Awaken, Awakens, Awakened, Awakening Quiz

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Awaken, Awakens, Awakened, Awakening Quiz Questions

1. It was during the period of 1943-1945 that his political _____ took place.

A. Awaken

B. Awakened

C. Awakening

D. Awakens

2. Early involvement in music can _____ an interest that will last a lifetime.

A. Awakened

B. Awakening

C. Awaken

D. Awakens

3. The tumult in the streets _____ everyone in the house.

A. Awakens

B. Awaken

C. Awakening

D. Awakened

4. If they expect the match to be friendly, then they are in for a rude _____.

A. Awakening

B. Awaken

C. Awakens

D. Awakened

5. I was _____ by a frightful clap of thunder.

A. Awakening

B. Awakened

C. Awaken

D. Awakens

6. I was _____ by the sound of screams.

A. Awakening

B. Awakens

C. Awaken

D. Awakened

7. Confident that he would win, he had a rude _____ on election day.

A. Awakened

B. Awaken

C. Awakens

D. Awakening

8. We were rudely _____ by the storm.

A. Awakens

B. Awakening

C. Awakened

D. Awaken

9. Have some more cake! You need fattening up a bit We must _____ people to the dangers for the environment.

A. Awaken

B. Awakens

C. Awakened

D. Awakening

10. I was _____ by the gobbles in the farmyard.

A. Awakens

B. Awaken

C. Awakening

D. Awakened

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