Assert, Asserts, Asserted, Asserting Quiz

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Assert, Asserts, Asserted, Asserting Quiz Questions

1. Women began to _____ themselves politically.

A. Asserted

B. Asserting

C. Assert

D. Asserts

2. She _____ her innocence.

A. Asserting

B. Assert

C. Asserts

D. Asserted

3. Trained in Paris, he did much to _____ a sense of Cuban musical nationalism in his compositions.

A. Asserting

B. Asserted

C. Asserts

D. Assert

4. National pride began to _____ itself.

A. Asserting

B. Assert

C. Asserted

D. Asserts

5. The laws of historical development will _____ themselves.

A. Asserting

B. Asserted

C. Asserts

D. Assert

6. He _____ that he was not guilty.

A. Asserts

B. Asserting

C. Asserted

D. Assert

7. The boss _____ his authority by punishing his employees.

A. Asserted

B. Asserts

C. Asserting

D. Assert

8. I note that this which merely _____ her acting debut.

A. Asserted

B. Assert

C. Asserting

D. Asserts

9. He _____ that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.

A. Assert

B. Asserting

C. Asserted

D. Asserts

10. French cooking, she _____, is the best in the world.

A. Asserting

B. Asserts

C. Assert

D. Asserted

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