Aspire, Aspires, Aspired, Aspiring Quiz

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Aspire, Aspires, Aspired, Aspiring Quiz Questions

1. Many unknown writers _____ to fame.

A. Aspires

B. Aspired

C. Aspiring

D. Aspire

2. On a crowded Los Angeles highway, an _____ actress named Mia is distracted by her preparation for an upcoming audition.

A. Aspires

B. Aspired

C. Aspire

D. Aspiring

3. Some non-territorial entities, notably the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, are considered subjects of international law, but they do not _____ to be states.

A. Aspire

B. Aspired

C. Aspires

D. Aspiring

4. His space of enlightenment is what all spiritual seekers _____ for.

A. Aspires

B. Aspiring

C. Aspired

D. Aspire

5. In 1873 he helped establish a society of fifteen _____ artists, holding the group together and encouraging the other members.

A. Aspired

B. Aspiring

C. Aspires

D. Aspire

6. At that time, all serious artists _____ to go to Rome.

A. Aspiring

B. Aspire

C. Aspired

D. Aspires

7. Kudos to Herostratus, destroyed one of the seven wonders of the world — the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, this is not the kind of Fame, to which we should _____”.

A. Aspiring

B. Aspire

C. Aspired

D. Aspires

8. The boy _____ to become an engineer.

A. Aspire

B. Aspires

C. Aspiring

D. Aspired

9. He _____ after knowledge.

A. Aspired

B. Aspires

C. Aspire

D. Aspiring

10. As a model, Monroe always _____ to an acting career.

A. Aspire

B. Aspiring

C. Aspires

D. Aspired

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