Ascertain, Ascertains, Ascertained, Ascertaining Quiz

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Ascertain, Ascertains, Ascertained, Ascertaining Quiz Questions

1. A postmortem was ordered to try to _____ the cause of death.

A. Ascertained

B. Ascertain

C. Ascertaining

D. Ascertains

2. Once _____, copies would then be made for scholars, royalty and wealthy bibliophiles the world over, this commerce bringing income to the library.

A. Ascertains

B. Ascertain

C. Ascertained

D. Ascertaining

3. Tests were conducted to _____ whether pollution levels have dropped.

A. Ascertain

B. Ascertains

C. Ascertaining

D. Ascertained

4. We _____ that he was dead.

A. Ascertaining

B. Ascertains

C. Ascertained

D. Ascertain

5. Canon of the Old and New Testaments _____, or The Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions.

A. Ascertains

B. Ascertain

C. Ascertaining

D. Ascertained

6. Police had _____ that the dead man knew his killer.

A. Ascertains

B. Ascertain

C. Ascertained

D. Ascertaining

7. Delete - Wiktionary gives the definition of a "survey" as "an examination, especially an official examination, of all the parts or particulars of a thing, with a design to _____ the condition, quantity, or quality".

A. Ascertains

B. Ascertaining

C. Ascertain

D. Ascertained

8. It is _____ that nearly 7,000 workers are being engaged in quarry activities.

A. Ascertains

B. Ascertain

C. Ascertained

D. Ascertaining

9. Can you _____ who he is?

A. Ascertained

B. Ascertains

C. Ascertain

D. Ascertaining

10. You should _____ the level of insurance cover from the car rental company.

A. Ascertaining

B. Ascertain

C. Ascertained

D. Ascertains

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