Appear, Appears, Appeared, Appearing Quiz

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Appear, Appears, Appeared, Appearing Quiz Questions

1. A tear _____ in the corner of his eye.

A. Appears

B. Appeared

C. Appearing

D. Appear

2. The famous singer is _____ this fall at the Music Festival.

A. Appeared

B. Appears

C. Appearing

D. Appear

3. Her picture _____ on the screen.

A. Appeared

B. Appear

C. Appears

D. Appearing

4. She has already _____ in a number of films.

A. Appears

B. Appearing

C. Appeared

D. Appear

5. Four people will _____ in court today, charged with possessing explosives.

A. Appears

B. Appearing

C. Appear

D. Appeared

6. New shoots _____ near the parent plant.

A. Appeared

B. Appearing

C. Appears

D. Appear

7. Doreen _____ to be unconscious of the amusement she had caused.

A. Appeared

B. Appear

C. Appearing

D. Appears

8. The first crinkles of age were beginning to _____ round her eyes.

A. Appeared

B. Appears

C. Appear

D. Appearing

9. The Prime Minister _____ to be totally unfazed by the protesters.

A. Appeared

B. Appear

C. Appearing

D. Appears

10. He is slated to _____ at the Cambridge Jazz Festival next year.

A. Appeared

B. Appearing

C. Appear

D. Appears

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