Anoint, Anoints, Anointed, Anointing Quiz

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Anoint, Anoints, Anointed, Anointing Quiz Questions

1. He was _____ with sacred oil.

A. Anoint

B. Anointed

C. Anoints

D. Anointing

2. They would be adorned with garlands or wreaths and _____ with olive oil to obtain luck.

A. Anointed

B. Anoint

C. Anointing

D. Anoints

3. _____ of the Sick is a sacrament in Roman Catholicism and other Christian denominations.

A. Anointed

B. Anoints

C. Anoint

D. Anointing

4. The main part of the Bible that talks about _____ of the sick is also talk about the _____ of the sick.

A. Anointing

B. Anoints

C. Anointed

D. Anoint

5. _____ of the Sick is also called Unction.

A. Anointed

B. Anoint

C. Anointing

D. Anoints

6. He _____ the sunburned places with cold cream.

A. Anointed

B. Anoints

C. Anoint

D. Anointing

7. The title "Messiah" comes from the Hebrew word meaning "_____ one".

A. Anointed

B. Anoint

C. Anoints

D. Anointing

8. A person does not have to be dying to receive the _____ of the Sick.

A. Anointed

B. Anoints

C. Anoint

D. Anointing

9. In Jesus' country, _____ was done to show that a person was chosen to be a king or a leader.

A. Anointing

B. Anoint

C. Anointed

D. Anoints

10. The word "Christ" comes from the Greek word "christos" and means "the one marked on the head with oil" or "the _____ one".

A. Anoints

B. Anointing

C. Anoint

D. Anointed

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