Annul, Annuls, Annulled, Annulling Quiz

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Annul, Annuls, Annulled, Annulling Quiz Questions

1. The treaty was _____ several years ago.

A. Annulled

B. Annuls

C. Annulling

D. Annul

2. He wanted to _____ the marriage because he wanted a male heir to his throne and Catherine could not produce one.

A. Annulling

B. Annuls

C. Annul

D. Annulled

3. Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon was finally _____ in the following May by Archbishop Cranmer, thus ending the first of Henry's 6 marriages.

A. Annulling

B. Annuls

C. Annulled

D. Annul

4. Caroline's marriage was _____ by special dispensation from the church.

A. Annul

B. Annulled

C. Annulling

D. Annuls

5. He advocated the termination of the Military Frontier and persuaded parliament to pass on 5 August 1861 the decision _____ any joint business with Austria.

A. Annulled

B. Annul

C. Annulling

D. Annuls

6. He added that the state had no right to _____ the purchase of the land, since doing so would impair the obligations of contract.

A. Annulled

B. Annulling

C. Annuls

D. Annul

7. This marriage was _____ in 1947.

A. Annulling

B. Annuls

C. Annul

D. Annulled

8. Henry VIII was married to Catherine of Aragon, but asked the Pope to _____ the marriage.

A. Annul

B. Annuls

C. Annulled

D. Annulling

9. However, the king came into conflict with the papacy when he wished to _____ his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, for which he needed papal sanction.

A. Annul

B. Annulling

C. Annulled

D. Annuls

10. Their marriage was _____ last year.

A. Annulling

B. Annulled

C. Annuls

D. Annul

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