Anneal, Anneals, Annealed, Annealing Quiz

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Anneal, Anneals, Annealed, Annealing Quiz Questions

1. If a blacksmith has an old steel tool, and wants to hammer it into a new different tool, the blacksmith _____ the steel.

A. Annealing

B. Annealed

C. Anneal

D. Anneals

2. Twelve Clippers were made for Pan Am. Lithium cobalt oxide can be made by heating a Stoichiometrystoichiometric metallic cobalt at 600–800°C, then _____ it at 900°C for many hours, all under an oxygen atmosphere.

A. Annealing

B. Anneal

C. Anneals

D. Annealed

3. To "_____" iron or steel, a blacksmith heats the metal until it no longer pulls a magnet, and then makes the metal become cold very slowly.

A. Annealed

B. Annealing

C. Anneals

D. Anneal

4. To make work-hardened metal soft again, so that a smith can hammer and bend it more, the smith _____ the metal.

A. Annealing

B. Anneal

C. Anneals

D. Annealed

5. Chemists often melt the reactants together and then later _____ the solidified melt.

A. Annealed

B. Anneals

C. Annealing

D. Anneal

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