Analyze, Analyzes, Analyzed, Analyzing Quiz

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Analyze, Analyzes, Analyzed, Analyzing Quiz Questions

1. This digital Informationdata must be gathered and stored so that the physicist can later _____ the data and reconstruct the physics that occurred.

A. Analyzes

B. Analyzed

C. Analyzing

D. Analyze

2. The cell samples are _____ by a lab.

A. Analyzing

B. Analyzed

C. Analyze

D. Analyzes

3. The study _____ data from dozens of medical reports and other studies.

A. Analyzing

B. Analyzed

C. Analyzes

D. Analyze

4. The young man did not analyze the process of his captivation and enrapturement, for love to him was a mystery and could not be _____.

A. Analyzes

B. Analyzed

C. Analyze

D. Analyzing

5. They _____ the ore and found iron in it.

A. Analyzed

B. Analyzing

C. Analyzes

D. Analyze

6. He _____ the various factors.

A. Analyzed

B. Analyzing

C. Analyze

D. Analyzes

7. Genomics applies recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing methods, and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble, and _____ the function and structure of genomes.

A. Analyzing

B. Analyze

C. Analyzed

D. Analyzes

8. Joe had never tried to _____ their relationship.

A. Analyzes

B. Analyzing

C. Analyze

D. Analyzed

9. The linguists' main interest has been to _____ and describe languages.

A. Analyze

B. Analyzes

C. Analyzed

D. Analyzing

10. The recognition that excluded volume was an important factor in _____ long-chain molecules in solutions provided an important conceptual breakthrough.

A. Analyzed

B. Analyze

C. Analyzing

D. Analyzes

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