Amaze, Amazes, Amazed, Amazing Quiz

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Amaze, Amazes, Amazed, Amazing Quiz Questions

1. It never ceased to _____ him that women were attracted to Sam.

A. Amaze

B. Amazed

C. Amazing

D. Amazes

2. They performed some _____ acrobatic feats.

A. Amazed

B. Amazing

C. Amaze

D. Amazes

3. Your letter _____ me.

A. Amazes

B. Amazing

C. Amaze

D. Amazed

4. It's _____ how often you see drivers using mobile phones.

A. Amazed

B. Amaze

C. Amazes

D. Amazing

5. I'd be _____ if I got the job.

A. Amazed

B. Amazing

C. Amazes

D. Amaze

6. The things people will do for charity never cease to _____ me.

A. Amazes

B. Amaze

C. Amazing

D. Amazed

7. Dave _____ his friends by suddenly getting married.

A. Amaze

B. Amazes

C. Amazed

D. Amazing

8. I was _____ at the number of plants - I counted 147.

A. Amazing

B. Amaze

C. Amazed

D. Amazes

9. It's _____ how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.

A. Amazes

B. Amazing

C. Amaze

D. Amazed

10. She looked at her glass and was _____ to find it was empty.

A. Amazed

B. Amazes

C. Amazing

D. Amaze

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