Allocate, Allocates, Allocated, Allocating Quiz

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Allocate, Allocates, Allocated, Allocating Quiz Questions

1. The kernel creates a process by _____ some memory, loading program code from a disk or another part of memory into the newly allocated space, building the process tables and other operating systems structures, calculating the initial address then executes the process as one or more tasks.

A. Allocated

B. Allocate

C. Allocating

D. Allocates

2. The state has _____ special funds for the emergency.

A. Allocated

B. Allocating

C. Allocate

D. Allocates

3. Under TOPS, they were _____ Classes 445.

A. Allocating

B. Allocates

C. Allocated

D. Allocate

4. You should _____ the same amount of time to each question.

A. Allocate

B. Allocates

C. Allocating

D. Allocated

5. It had a complex system to _____ proportional seats which was called Scorporo.

A. Allocates

B. Allocated

C. Allocating

D. Allocate

6. For example, the lower class workers that worked for the government were often taken advantage of because their advantage would _____ a portion of their pay for themselves.

A. Allocated

B. Allocates

C. Allocating

D. Allocate

7. That's what this is for, and funds have been _____ for this purpose, provided they are used responsibly.

A. Allocated

B. Allocates

C. Allocate

D. Allocating

8. Several patients were waiting to be _____ a bed.

A. Allocated

B. Allocating

C. Allocate

D. Allocates

9. One million dollars was _____ for disaster relief.

A. Allocate

B. Allocating

C. Allocates

D. Allocated

10. In _____ housing, preference is given to families with young children.

A. Allocated

B. Allocating

C. Allocate

D. Allocates

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