Alleviate, Alleviates, Alleviated, Alleviating Quiz

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Alleviate, Alleviates, Alleviated, Alleviating Quiz Questions

1. It used to be called the Philadelphia Society for _____ the Miseries of Public Prisons.

A. Alleviated

B. Alleviate

C. Alleviates

D. Alleviating

2. Theodicy tries to explain why God, who has complete free will, has the power to change anything he wants to, can see all the evil in the world and is all-loving and compassionate, yet does nothing to _____ the suffering in the world, especially the suffering of innocents.

A. Alleviates

B. Alleviating

C. Alleviate

D. Alleviated

3. Renewable energy technologies can also make indirect contributions to _____ poverty by providing energy for cooking, space heating, and lighting.

A. Alleviates

B. Alleviate

C. Alleviated

D. Alleviating

4. However, these feelings seemed to be _____ when he befriended Naruto Uzumaki after graduating Ninja Academy.

A. Alleviating

B. Alleviated

C. Alleviate

D. Alleviates

5. His wife Korey was enlisted soon after to play keyboards live in order to _____ John's live performance duties.

A. Alleviates

B. Alleviate

C. Alleviated

D. Alleviating

6. In 1893, George Cadbury bought 120 acres of land close to the works and planned, at his own expense, a model village which would '_____ the evils of modern more cramped living conditions'.

A. Alleviates

B. Alleviating

C. Alleviated

D. Alleviate

7. Critics also say that the update simply "_____" the screen problem by adjusting contrast settings and does not provide a fix for the screen itself.

A. Alleviate

B. Alleviates

C. Alleviated

D. Alleviating

8. In order to _____ the amount of network traffic that comes from broadcasting all signals to all nodes, more advanced central nodes were developed that are able to keep track of the identities of the nodes that are connected to the network.

A. Alleviates

B. Alleviate

C. Alleviating

D. Alleviated

9. The role of the Senate is to promote national cohesion and harmony and to _____ fears of the smaller provinces regarding domination by any one province because of its majority, in the National Assembly.

A. Alleviated

B. Alleviating

C. Alleviate

D. Alleviates

10. Duflo shared the 2019 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Abhijit Banerjee and Michael Kremer, "for their experimental approach to _____ global poverty".

A. Alleviating

B. Alleviate

C. Alleviated

D. Alleviates

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