Allege, Alleges, Alleged, Alleging Quiz

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Allege, Alleges, Alleged, Alleging Quiz Questions

1. His reputation was blemished by a newspaper article _____ he'd evaded his taxes.

A. Alleged

B. Allege

C. Alleging

D. Alleges

2. Special Forces Command, and H.Q.s Andaman and Nicobar Command, _____ that the "actual motive and intent" of a student from Gujarat, "raise suspicion".

A. Alleges

B. Allege

C. Alleged

D. Alleging

3. In March 2019, Flores wrote an op-ed for "New York New York" magazine's "The Cut" _____ then Vice President Joe Biden "inappropriately kissed and touched her after he offered to help her with her 2014 campaign" while the two were at a Las Vegas campaign rally.

A. Alleged

B. Allege

C. Alleging

D. Alleges

4. Many people in the industry were blacklisted for their _____ communist sympathies.

A. Alleges

B. Alleging

C. Allege

D. Alleged

5. An _____ Mafia boss was acquitted last night.

A. Alleging

B. Alleged

C. Allege

D. Alleges

6. The _____ victim made the complaint at a police station in York.

A. Allege

B. Alleged

C. Alleging

D. Alleges

7. The prosecution _____ that the man had been responsible for an act of terrorism.

A. Alleging

B. Alleges

C. Alleged

D. Allege

8. Some _____ that string theorists select only the desired predictions.

A. Alleged

B. Alleging

C. Alleges

D. Allege

9. She was late for the meeting and _____ that her watch was wrong.

A. Alleged

B. Allege

C. Alleging

D. Alleges

10. If a complaint does not _____ facts sufficient to support every element of a claim, the court, upon motion by the opposing party, may dismiss the complaint for failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted.

A. Allege

B. Alleged

C. Alleging

D. Alleges

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