Adopt, Adopts, Adopted, Adopting Quiz

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Adopt, Adopts, Adopted, Adopting Quiz Questions

1. The President has _____ a tough stance on terrorism.

A. Adopt

B. Adopting

C. Adopts

D. Adopted

2. Kim _____ a southern accent when speaking to family back home.

A. Adopted

B. Adopting

C. Adopt

D. Adopts

3. How can we get students to _____ a serious orientation to learning?

A. Adopts

B. Adopting

C. Adopt

D. Adopted

4. The store recently _____ a drug testing policy for all new employees.

A. Adopt

B. Adopted

C. Adopting

D. Adopts

5. They are trying to _____ a more cooperative posture.

A. Adopted

B. Adopts

C. Adopt

D. Adopting

6. The couple wanted to _____ a black child they had been fostering.

A. Adopts

B. Adopting

C. Adopt

D. Adopted

7. The couple _____ a child at the end of the third year of barrenness.

A. Adopted

B. Adopting

C. Adopt

D. Adopts

8. The company has _____ a strict no-smoking policy.

A. Adopt

B. Adopted

C. Adopting

D. Adopts

9. Clive decided to _____ a neutral position.

A. Adopts

B. Adopted

C. Adopting

D. Adopt

10. The government _____ a strategy of massive deflation.

A. Adopting

B. Adopt

C. Adopts

D. Adopted

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