Acquiesce, Acquiesces, Acquiesced, Acquiescing Quiz

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Acquiesce, Acquiesces, Acquiesced, Acquiescing Quiz Questions

1. Once the Spanish succeeded in gaining an alliance of sorts with the ruling Xiu family at Maní, a number of other states followed suit in _____ to Spanish rule, which greatly assisted the Spanish cause.

A. Acquiescing

B. Acquiesces

C. Acquiesce

D. Acquiesced

2. He _____ in the plans his parents had made for him.

A. Acquiesces

B. Acquiesce

C. Acquiesced

D. Acquiescing

3. Oil companies have been accused of _____ in the pollution of the ocean.

A. Acquiesced

B. Acquiesce

C. Acquiescing

D. Acquiesces

4. The verses to "_____" are sung by Liam Gallagher and the chorus is sung by Noel, making it the first song to ever feature both Gallagher brothers on lead vocals.

A. Acquiesced

B. Acquiescing

C. Acquiesce

D. Acquiesces

5. They _____ in the decision.

A. Acquiesces

B. Acquiesced

C. Acquiesce

D. Acquiescing

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