Accommodate, Accommodates, Accommodated, Accommodating Quiz

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Accommodate, Accommodates, Accommodated, Accommodating Quiz Questions

1. You will have to _____ yourself to the changed situation.

A. Accommodate

B. Accommodating

C. Accommodates

D. Accommodated

2. Her eyes took a while to _____ to the darkness.

A. Accommodates

B. Accommodated

C. Accommodating

D. Accommodate

3. He bought a huge house to _____ his library.

A. Accommodates

B. Accommodate

C. Accommodating

D. Accommodated

4. The policeman _____ us when we asked for help.

A. Accommodating

B. Accommodates

C. Accommodate

D. Accommodated

5. The eutheriodonts have larger skulls, _____ larger brains and improved jaw muscles.

A. Accommodated

B. Accommodate

C. Accommodates

D. Accommodating

6. As Australia is part of the Antarctic Treaty System, which _____ differences of opinions over the status of Antarctic territorial claims which pre-dated the 1959 Antarctic Treaty - effectively placing claims in abeyance - Australia only exercises its sovereignty in ways that in its view are consistent with good relations under the Antarctic Treaty.

A. Accommodates

B. Accommodated

C. Accommodate

D. Accommodating

7. The hotel can _____ 500 tourists.

A. Accommodating

B. Accommodated

C. Accommodates

D. Accommodate

8. The overflow will be _____ in another hotel.

A. Accommodate

B. Accommodated

C. Accommodating

D. Accommodates

9. The ballroom can _____ 400 people.

A. Accommodating

B. Accommodated

C. Accommodate

D. Accommodates

10. Marsh also noted a large canal in the pelviship region of the spinal cord, which could have _____ a structure up to 20 times larger than the famously small brain.

A. Accommodate

B. Accommodates

C. Accommodated

D. Accommodating

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