Abduct, Abducts, Abducted, Abducting Quiz

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Abduct, Abducts, Abducted, Abducting Quiz

1. Brock _____ Mary Jane and holds her captive from a web high at a construction site, while Marko keeps the police at bay.

A. Abducting

B. Abducted

C. Abducts

D. Abduct

2. He was _____ by four men wearing hoods.

A. Abducted

B. Abducts

C. Abduct

D. Abducting

3. Profiling experts believe that Chandler may have killed previously, based on the speculation that a first-time killer would not be experienced or bold enough to _____ and kill three women at once.

A. Abducts

B. Abduct

C. Abducting

D. Abducted

4. On July 26, 2003, he tried to _____ a 13 year old girl named Marie-Ascension.

A. Abduct

B. Abducting

C. Abducts

D. Abducted

5. In mythology, Naxos was the place where the god Dionysus _____ the daughter of king Minos, Ariadne.

A. Abduct

B. Abducted

C. Abducts

D. Abducting

6. Because he is known to lead travelers astray and _____ children, which he shares with Chort, or "The Black One" the Leshy is believed by some to be evil.

A. Abduct

B. Abducts

C. Abducted

D. Abducting

7. I had visions of the kids getting lost and getting _____ by some weirdo.

A. Abduct

B. Abducts

C. Abducted

D. Abducting

8. That way, Zeus is able to _____ Europa on his back.

A. Abducted

B. Abducting

C. Abduct

D. Abducts

9. Her mind reeled when she learned her son had been _____.

A. Abducts

B. Abducting

C. Abduct

D. Abducted

10. She was _____ late last night.

A. Abduct

B. Abducts

C. Abducting

D. Abducted

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