Uphold, Upholds, Upheld, Upholding Quiz Online

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Uphold, Upholds, Upheld, Upholding Quiz Questions

1. The election was originally scheduled to be held on 20 December 2017, but was moved earlier after the decision of the Constitutional Court of KoreaConstitutional Court on 10 March 2017 to _____ the parliament's impeachment of Park Geun-hye.

A. Uphold

B. Upholds

C. Upholding

D. Upheld

2. The conviction was _____ by the Court of Appeal.

A. Uphold

B. Upheld

C. Upholds

D. Upholding

3. The coach _____ the referee's decision.

A. Upheld

B. Uphold

C. Upholding

D. Upholds

4. Eight columns _____ the big dome.

A. Upholding

B. Upholds

C. Uphold

D. Upheld

5. The court _____ the earlier decision.

A. Upholds

B. Uphold

C. Upholding

D. Upheld

6. Operation _____ Democracy was a military operation in Haiti.

A. Uphold

B. Upholding

C. Upholds

D. Upheld

7. They have profaned the long _____ traditions of the church.

A. Upholding

B. Upholds

C. Uphold

D. Upheld

8. Despite being cleared of the murder charge, the guilty verdict against Knox for the slander of Patrick Lumumba - a bar owner she falsely accused of the crime - has been _____.

A. Upheld

B. Uphold

C. Upholds

D. Upholding

9. Policemen and judges _____ the majesty of the law.

A. Uphold

B. Upheld

C. Upholding

D. Upholds

10. We _____ the principle of racial equality.

A. Upholds

B. Upheld

C. Uphold

D. Upholding

Uphold, Upholds, Upheld, Upholding Video Quiz

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