Undo, Undid, Undone, Undoing Quiz Online

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Undo, Undid, Undone, Undoing Quiz Questions

1. Your shoelaces are _____.

A. Undone

B. Undo

C. Undoing

D. Undid

2. She was repairing Billy's trousers, where the seam had come _____.

A. Undid

B. Undoing

C. Undone

D. Undo

3. He _____ the padlock and eased back the lid.

A. Undone

B. Undid

C. Undo

D. Undoing

4. He has _____ the good work of his predecessor.

A. Undoing

B. Undid

C. Undone

D. Undo

5. What's done cannot be _____.

A. Undid

B. Undone

C. Undo

D. Undoing

6. I _____ the package carefully.

A. Undo

B. Undoing

C. Undone

D. Undid

7. In the end, Othello is _____ by his jealousy.

A. Undone

B. Undoing

C. Undo

D. Undid

8. We cannot _____ the damage of a lifetime in only 30 days.

A. Undid

B. Undo

C. Undone

D. Undoing

9. This hard attitude may have led to his _____.

A. Undid

B. Undo

C. Undone

D. Undoing

10. She _____ the buttons of her blouse.

A. Undone

B. Undoing

C. Undo

D. Undid

Undo, Undid, Undone, Undoing Video Quiz

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