Underwrite, Underwrote, Underwritten, Underwriting Quiz Online

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Underwrite, Underwrote, Underwritten, Underwriting Quiz Questions

1. Lloyd's of London has always been famous for its insurance-_____ and assessment of risk.

A. Underwritten

B. Underwriting

C. Underwrite

D. Underwrote

2. The London _____ Centre is there.

A. Underwrite

B. Underwrote

C. Underwriting

D. Underwritten

3. The government has agreed to _____ the project with a grant of $5 million.

A. Underwritten

B. Underwrite

C. Underwriting

D. Underwrote

4. By the time the third part was published, it had to be _____ by the Action Council.

A. Underwrite

B. Underwriting

C. Underwrote

D. Underwritten

5. Urho Kekkonen led the _____ of the Helsinki Accords of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe between European countries, United States and Soviet Union in 1975.

A. Underwrite

B. Underwrote

C. Underwritten

D. Underwriting

6. According to Lyn Gardner writing in "The Guardian", "it was Castledine's head that was demanded by the council as the price of _____ the theatre's deficit." Castledine left the Playhouse.

A. Underwriting

B. Underwrite

C. Underwritten

D. Underwrote

7. Throughout its run, it has been _____ spotunderwritten by the National Science Foundation, with Northrop Grumman _____ season four in 2010.

A. Underwrote

B. Underwriting

C. Underwritten

D. Underwrite

Underwrite, Underwrote, Underwritten, Underwriting Video Quiz

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