Undertake, Undertook, Undertaken, Undertaking Quiz Online

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Undertake, Undertook, Undertaken, Undertaking Quiz Questions

1. He is too timid to venture upon a new _____.

A. Undertaking

B. Undertake

C. Undertook

D. Undertaken

2. It seemed an endless _____.

A. Undertaking

B. Undertaken

C. Undertook

D. Undertake

3. I can not _____ that you will make a profit.

A. Undertake

B. Undertaken

C. Undertook

D. Undertaking

4. Both organizations gave an _____ to curb violence among their members.

A. Undertaken

B. Undertake

C. Undertook

D. Undertaking

5. He soon realized the scale of the task he had _____ .

A. Undertook

B. Undertaken

C. Undertaking

D. Undertake

6. Dr Johnson _____ the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.

A. Undertook

B. Undertake

C. Undertaken

D. Undertaking

7. Good luck in this enormous project you are _____.

A. Undertaken

B. Undertook

C. Undertaking

D. Undertake

8. A study was _____ in co-operation with oil companies.

A. Undertaken

B. Undertaking

C. Undertook

D. Undertake

9. It is a risky _____.

A. Undertake

B. Undertaking

C. Undertaken

D. Undertook

10. The work was _____ by members of the committee.

A. Undertaking

B. Undertook

C. Undertake

D. Undertaken

Undertake, Undertook, Undertaken, Undertaking Video Quiz

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