Stink, Stank, Stunk, Stinking Quiz Online

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Stink, Stank, Stunk, Stinking Quiz Questions

1. Those onions are _____ the whole house out.

A. Stank

B. Stunk

C. Stinking

D. Stink

2. I've got a _____ cold .

A. Stunk

B. Stinking

C. Stink

D. Stank

3. His brother's _____ rich.

A. Stink

B. Stank

C. Stinking

D. Stunk

4. Activists have raised a _____ about the shipments of nuclear waste.

A. Stank

B. Stinking

C. Stink

D. Stunk

5. There was a big _____ about his accepting a bribe.

A. Stinking

B. Stank

C. Stunk

D. Stink

6. The butcher's shop _____ in hot weather.

A. Stunk

B. Stank

C. Stink

D. Stinking

7. His breath _____ of alcohol.

A. Stinking

B. Stink

C. Stunk

D. Stank

8. The _____ of vomit reached me instantly.

A. Stank

B. Stunk

C. Stinking

D. Stink

9. I hate this _____ boring job! The hotel had a single redeeming feature - it was cheap.

A. Stinking

B. Stink

C. Stank

D. Stunk

10. We had to work like _____ to meet the deadline.

A. Stunk

B. Stink

C. Stank

D. Stinking

Stink, Stank, Stunk, Stinking Video Quiz

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