Stick, Sticks, Stuck, Sticking Quiz Online

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Stick, Sticks, Stuck, Sticking Quiz Questions

1. She struck him with a _____.

A. Sticking

B. Sticks

C. Stick

D. Stuck

2. She often _____ at her work more than ten hours a day.

A. Sticking

B. Stuck

C. Stick

D. Sticks

3. They were _____ on each other ever since junior high school.

A. Sticks

B. Sticking

C. Stick

D. Stuck

4. He is a man who _____ to his friends.

A. Stuck

B. Stick

C. Sticking

D. Sticks

5. They got _____ in a traffic jam.

A. Sticks

B. Sticking

C. Stuck

D. Stick

6. _____ to your colors.

A. Sticking

B. Stick

C. Sticks

D. Stuck

7. The wheels _____ fast in the mud.

A. Sticking

B. Stuck

C. Stick

D. Sticks

8. That pretty girl is rather _____-up.

A. Stick

B. Sticks

C. Stuck

D. Sticking

9. This stamp won't _____ properly.

A. Stick

B. Sticks

C. Stuck

D. Sticking

10. Richard is _____ in the Dark Ages when it comes to his attitudes towards women.

A. Sticks

B. Sticking

C. Stick

D. Stuck

Stick, Sticks, Stuck, Sticking Video Quiz

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