Shine, Shines, Shone, Shining Quiz Online

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Shine, Shines, Shone, Shining Quiz Questions

1. She advised that he should make hay while the sun _____.

A. Shines

B. Shine

C. Shining

D. Shone

2. _____ that torch over here, will you?

A. Shines

B. Shining

C. Shone

D. Shine

3. We _____ our torches around the cavern.

A. Shining

B. Shines

C. Shine

D. Shone

4. The sun was _____ brilliantly.

A. Shines

B. Shining

C. Shine

D. Shone

5. His eyes _____ with an unearthly light.

A. Shining

B. Shine

C. Shines

D. Shone

6. The concert will give young jazz musicians a chance to _____.

A. Shone

B. Shines

C. Shining

D. Shine

7. She had _____ black hair .

A. Shines

B. Shine

C. Shining

D. Shone

8. The orient _____ on her face.

A. Shining

B. Shone

C. Shines

D. Shine

9. Peter didn't really _____ at school.

A. Shone

B. Shine

C. Shines

D. Shining

10. Her thick, black hair _____ with lustre.

A. Shine

B. Shining

C. Shines

D. Shone

Shine, Shines, Shone, Shining Video Quiz

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