Shake, Shook, Shaken, Shaking Quiz Online

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Shake, Shook, Shaken, Shaking Quiz Questions

1. Paul gave her a rough _____.

A. Shake

B. Shaking

C. Shaken

D. Shook

2. The earth began to _____.

A. Shook

B. Shaking

C. Shaken

D. Shake

3. He _____ his head in silent negation.

A. Shaking

B. Shake

C. Shook

D. Shaken

4. He _____ his head with a soft chuckle.

A. Shake

B. Shaking

C. Shaken

D. Shook

5. They _____ hands and went their several ways.

A. Shaking

B. Shaken

C. Shake

D. Shook

6. Rachel was _____ with fear .

A. Shaking

B. Shook

C. Shaken

D. Shake

7. He was _____ in his shoes as the large dog moved towards him.

A. Shook

B. Shaken

C. Shake

D. Shaking

8. Well, if we have a deal, let's _____ on it.

A. Shaken

B. Shake

C. Shaking

D. Shook

9. The car _____ as it went over a bump.

A. Shook

B. Shaking

C. Shaken

D. Shake

10. He _____ his head sadly.

A. Shook

B. Shaking

C. Shaken

D. Shake

Shake, Shook, Shaken, Shaking Video Quiz

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