Ring, Rang, Rung, Ringing Quiz Online

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Ring, Rang, Rung, Ringing Quiz Questions

1. I was making the bed when the telephone _____.

A. Ring

B. Ringing

C. Rang

D. Rung

2. That _____ is certainly the cheese.

A. Ringing

B. Ring

C. Rang

D. Rung

3. The bell has _____ - stop writing now.

A. Ring

B. Rang

C. Rung

D. Ringing

4. I'll give you a _____ later in the week.

A. Ring

B. Rung

C. Rang

D. Ringing

5. She had hardly sat down when the phone _____.

A. Rung

B. Ring

C. Rang

D. Ringing

6. You could always try _____ again.

A. Rung

B. Ring

C. Rang

D. Ringing

7. Every time the phone _____, she tensed.

A. Ring

B. Rang

C. Ringing

D. Rung

8. The cinema _____ with the children's laughter.

A. Ringing

B. Rang

C. Rung

D. Ring

9. Are you aware that a drugs _____ is being operated in the club?

A. Ringing

B. Ring

C. Rang

D. Rung

10. Secret files reveal an Oxford spy _____ .

A. Rang

B. Ringing

C. Rung

D. Ring

Ring, Rang, Rung, Ringing Video Quiz

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