Relay, Relays, Relayed, Relaying Quiz Online

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Relay, Relays, Relayed, Relaying Quiz Questions

1. Others are sent to geostationary orbit to _____ radio signals from one part of Earth to another, or to watch events on Earth from a high point of view.

A. Relays

B. Relay

C. Relayed

D. Relaying

2. These could be quickly sent anywhere in the empire by a series of _____ runners set up along the roads.

A. Relayed

B. Relays

C. Relaying

D. Relay

3. The Ugandan _____ team are coasting to victory .

A. Relaying

B. Relay

C. Relays

D. Relayed

4. He quickly _____ this news to the other members of staff.

A. Relayed

B. Relays

C. Relay

D. Relaying

5. He _____ the news to his mother.

A. Relays

B. Relay

C. Relayed

D. Relaying

6. Jenner first decathlon was at the Drake _____ in 1970.

A. Relay

B. Relays

C. Relayed

D. Relaying

7. The broadcasts were _____ by satellite.

A. Relaying

B. Relay

C. Relays

D. Relayed

8. She wanted to _____ the carpet in her new home.

A. Relays

B. Relay

C. Relaying

D. Relayed

9. The essential point of _____ racing is that it is a team effort.

A. Relayed

B. Relays

C. Relaying

D. Relay

10. It could simplify the design of electric switches and _____.

A. Relay

B. Relayed

C. Relays

D. Relaying

Relay, Relays, Relayed, Relaying Video Quiz

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