Partook, Partakes, Partaken, Partaking Quiz Online

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Partook, Partakes, Partaken, Partaking Quiz Questions

1. Her reply _____ of rudeness.

A. Partakes

B. Partaking

C. Partaken

D. Partook

2. Uddin then returned to studying, _____ in an ʿAlimiyyah course at the Oldham Islamic College.

A. Partaken

B. Partakes

C. Partaking

D. Partook

3. Since Adam didn’t have knowledge of good and evil before _____ of the forbidden fruit, so his act was a transgression of the law, not a sin against the law.

A. Partaken

B. Partakes

C. Partook

D. Partaking

4. At the age of 18 he _____ in the Battle of Fontenoy Where several European nations were fighting against France as part of the War of the Austrian Succession For his military abilities he was awarded the Order of the Golden Fleece.

A. Partaking

B. Partook

C. Partaken

D. Partakes

5. He was known for _____ in Boston Expressionism.

A. Partaking

B. Partaken

C. Partook

D. Partakes

6. Thanks for _____.

A. Partaken

B. Partakes

C. Partook

D. Partaking

7. He also _____ in philanthropy activities in developing nations that he has business interests in.

A. Partook

B. Partaking

C. Partakes

D. Partaken

8. All the children _____ in the game.

A. Partaken

B. Partakes

C. Partaking

D. Partook

9. _____ in these activities costs "action points", and players only have access to three action points to spend during each "Free Time" session.

A. Partook

B. Partaking

C. Partaken

D. Partakes

Partook, Partakes, Partaken, Partaking Video Quiz

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