Overshoot, Overshoots, Overshot, Overshooting Quiz Online

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Overshoot, Overshoots, Overshot, Overshooting Quiz Questions

1. This means that humanity has already _____ global biocapacity by 70% and now lives unsustainably by depleting stocks of "natural capital".

A. Overshooting

B. Overshot

C. Overshoots

D. Overshoot

2. The school has _____ its cash limit.

A. Overshooting

B. Overshoot

C. Overshot

D. Overshoots

3. _____ pitchback waterwheels are suitable where there is a small stream with a height difference of more than 2 meters, often in association with a small reservoir.

A. Overshooting

B. Overshot

C. Overshoot

D. Overshoots

4. The plane _____ the runway and plunged into a ditch.

A. Overshooting

B. Overshoot

C. Overshot

D. Overshoots

5. An example of a Roman era watermill would be the early 4th century site at Barbegal in southern France, where 16 _____ waterwheels were used to power an enormous flour mill.

A. Overshoots

B. Overshoot

C. Overshot

D. Overshooting

Overshoot, Overshoots, Overshot, Overshooting Video Quiz

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