Leap, Leaps, Leapt, Leaping Quiz Online

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Leap, Leaps, Leapt, Leaping Quiz Questions

1. The smaller animals can easily _____ from tree to tree.

A. Leapt

B. Leaps

C. Leap

D. Leaping

2. When her younger brother was being bullied she _____ to his defence.

A. Leap

B. Leaping

C. Leaps

D. Leapt

3. Stephen _____ up and caught the ball in one hand.

A. Leaps

B. Leap

C. Leaping

D. Leapt

4. The treatment of breast cancer has taken a quantum _____ forward.

A. Leap

B. Leaps

C. Leapt

D. Leaping

5. Salmon thrash their tails and _____ from the water.

A. Leapt

B. Leaps

C. Leaping

D. Leap

6. The production is increasing by _____ and bounds.

A. Leaping

B. Leaps

C. Leap

D. Leapt

7. Take a _____ of faith and trust them.

A. Leap

B. Leaping

C. Leaps

D. Leapt

8. He _____ 27 places to second spot.

A. Leap

B. Leaping

C. Leapt

D. Leaps

9. He _____ onto a ledge of rock.

A. Leaps

B. Leap

C. Leapt

D. Leaping

10. There has been a quantum _____ in the range of the wines sold in the UK.

A. Leapt

B. Leap

C. Leaping

D. Leaps

Leap, Leaps, Leapt, Leaping Video Quiz

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