Kneel, Kneels, Knelt, Kneeling Quiz Online

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Kneel, Kneels, Knelt, Kneeling Quiz Questions

1. Around them are six _____ angels in robes of delicate colours.

A. Kneel

B. Knelt

C. Kneeling

D. Kneels

2. Her legs were stiff from _____.

A. Kneeling

B. Kneel

C. Knelt

D. Kneels

3. The Grimms's Briar Rose is released from her sleep by a kiss from the prince while Perrault's princess wakes when the prince simply _____ beside her.

A. Kneel

B. Kneeling

C. Kneels

D. Knelt

4. He _____ in supplication.

A. Kneeling

B. Knelt

C. Kneels

D. Kneel

5. Seeing the people's plight, he _____ down and prayed.

A. Kneels

B. Knelt

C. Kneel

D. Kneeling

6. The activists used a few different non-violent ways of protesting, including sit-ins, "_____-ins" at local churches, and marches.

A. Kneeling

B. Kneel

C. Knelt

D. Kneels

7. Kayaks differ distinctly in design and history from canoes, which are craft propelled by single-bladed paddles by a _____ paddler, although some modern canoes may be difficult for a non-expert to distinguish from a kayak.

A. Knelt

B. Kneels

C. Kneel

D. Kneeling

8. Paolo _____ and bowed his head in supplication.

A. Kneeling

B. Kneels

C. Kneel

D. Knelt

9. The old man _____ down in prayer.

A. Kneels

B. Knelt

C. Kneeling

D. Kneel

10. The whole family _____ on cushions to pray.

A. Kneeling

B. Kneels

C. Knelt

D. Kneel

Kneel, Kneels, Knelt, Kneeling Video Quiz

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