Fought, Fights, Fought, Fighting Quiz Online

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Fought, Fights, Fought, Fighting Quiz Questions

1. Today's _____ is symbolic of the chaos which the country is facing.

A. Fought

B. Fighting

C. Fights

D. Fought

2. They _____ the bill fiercely.

A. Fought

B. Fighting

C. Fought

D. Fights

3. She _____ her way back into the first team.

A. Fought

B. Fights

C. Fighting

D. Fought

4. England and France _____ against Russia in the Crimean War.

A. Fought

B. Fights

C. Fought

D. Fighting

5. He and his wife are always _____ over trifling matters.

A. Fought

B. Fought

C. Fighting

D. Fights

6. Fifty thousand people have been displaced by the _____.

A. Fighting

B. Fights

C. Fought

D. Fought

7. In the ensuing _____, two students were killed.

A. Fought

B. Fought

C. Fights

D. Fighting

8. The lioness _____ to protect her young.

A. Fighting

B. Fought

C. Fights

D. Fought

9. Scientology has _____ long battles for acceptance as a religion.

A. Fought

B. Fighting

C. Fights

D. Fought

10. The president took immediate steps to stop the _____.

A. Fights

B. Fought

C. Fighting

D. Fought

Fought, Fights, Fought, Fighting Video Quiz

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