Foretell, Foretells, Foretold, Foretelling Quiz Online

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Foretell, Foretells, Foretold, Foretelling Quiz Questions

1. The three Norns appear at the beginning of Richard Wagner's opera Götterdämmerung and _____ the downfall of the gods when a thread of fate breaks.

A. Foretelling

B. Foretell

C. Foretells

D. Foretold

2. The _____ of a future event; 3.

A. Foretells

B. Foretelling

C. Foretell

D. Foretold

3. Being a child of one of the "Big Three Percy is the hero referred to within the prophecy of the Oracle, which _____ that the next half-blood child of the "Big Three" to reach the age of sixteen would have to make a decision that would mean the destruction or saving of Olympus.

A. Foretells

B. Foretelling

C. Foretell

D. Foretold

4. The prophets also _____ a great surprise God was planning for the world-He was going to send His very own Son, the Messiah, the Saviour, to save us from our sins.

A. Foretells

B. Foretell

C. Foretelling

D. Foretold

5. We can't _____ how the world will end.

A. Foretold

B. Foretelling

C. Foretells

D. Foretell

6. The prophets _____ in the Old Testament of Jesus as the Savior.

A. Foretells

B. Foretold

C. Foretell

D. Foretelling

7. The prophet _____ a glorious future for the young ruler.

A. Foretells

B. Foretell

C. Foretelling

D. Foretold

8. Who could ever _____ that Paul would turn traitor?

A. Foretelling

B. Foretold

C. Foretell

D. Foretells

9. In 1987, the ItalyItalian director Francesco Rosi directed the movie "Cronaca di una morte annunciata", based on Chronicle of a "Death _____", written by Márquez.

A. Foretelling

B. Foretold

C. Foretells

D. Foretell

10. It is also revealed how Nico's mother died, and that the Oracle's _____ of her death led to Hades cursing the Oracle.

A. Foretell

B. Foretells

C. Foretelling

D. Foretold

Foretell, Foretells, Foretold, Foretelling Video Quiz

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