Foresee, Foresaw, Foreseen, Foreseeing Quiz Online

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Foresee, Foresaw, Foreseen, Foreseeing Quiz Questions

1. No one _____ what he was planning.

A. Foresee

B. Foresaw

C. Foreseeing

D. Foreseen

2. Nobody could _____ his running away.

A. Foreseen

B. Foresee

C. Foreseeing

D. Foresaw

3. In my wildest imaginings, I could not have _____ what a wonderful life lay before me.

A. Foresee

B. Foreseeing

C. Foresaw

D. Foreseen

4. We should have _____ the trouble months ago.

A. Foreseeing

B. Foresaw

C. Foresee

D. Foreseen

5. We do not _____ any major changes in our way of life in the years ahead.

A. Foresee

B. Foresaw

C. Foreseen

D. Foreseeing

6. I've put your name on the list and I don't _____ any problems.

A. Foreseen

B. Foreseeing

C. Foresee

D. Foresaw

7. The disaster could not have been _____.

A. Foresee

B. Foresaw

C. Foreseen

D. Foreseeing

8. It is hard to _____ what will happen.

A. Foresee

B. Foreseeing

C. Foresaw

D. Foreseen

9. Few analysts _____ that oil prices would rise so steeply.

A. Foresee

B. Foresaw

C. Foreseeing

D. Foreseen

10. He _____ that prices would drop.

A. Foresee

B. Foresaw

C. Foreseen

D. Foreseeing

Foresee, Foresaw, Foreseen, Foreseeing Video Quiz

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