Flee, Flees, Fled, Fleeing Quiz Online

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Flee, Flees, Fled, Fleeing Quiz Questions

1. Masaari spent six months in prison before _____ the country .

A. Fled

B. Fleeing

C. Flees

D. Flee

2. 30,000 people _____ to the safety of the capital.

A. Fleeing

B. Flee

C. Fled

D. Flees

3. Witnesses reported seeing three people _____ the scene.

A. Fled

B. Fleeing

C. Flee

D. Flees

4. _____ refugees found sanctuary in Geneva.

A. Fled

B. Flee

C. Flees

D. Fleeing

5. Chiang ruled China until 1949, when Mao Zedong, who led the Communist Party of China, attacked Chiang and his officials, and they were forced to _____ to Taiwan.

A. Fleeing

B. Fled

C. Flee

D. Flees

6. His attackers turned and _____.

A. Flee

B. Fleeing

C. Fled

D. Flees

7. Two of the defendants jumped bail and _____ to New York.

A. Fleeing

B. Flee

C. Fled

D. Flees

8. He was lucky to _____ the burning hotel.

A. Fled

B. Flees

C. Flee

D. Fleeing

9. The burglars _____ after triggering the alarm .

A. Fled

B. Fleeing

C. Flees

D. Flee

10. The children _____ in panic.

A. Fleeing

B. Fled

C. Flees

D. Flee

Flee, Flees, Fled, Fleeing Video Quiz

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