Find, Finds, Found, Finding Quiz Online

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Find, Finds, Found, Finding Quiz Questions

1. Five years further on, a cure has still not been _____.

A. Finds

B. Found

C. Finding

D. Find

2. She had almost given up hope of _____ a husband.

A. Finding

B. Find

C. Finds

D. Found

3. Corporate owners often _____ themselves strapped for cash to pay taxes.

A. Found

B. Finds

C. Finding

D. Find

4. She'd come to _____ out the truth about her family.

A. Finding

B. Finds

C. Find

D. Found

5. We _____ the defendant not guilty.

A. Find

B. Finding

C. Found

D. Finds

6. And when I couldn't _____ the passports - honestly, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! She wore a sexy see-through blouse to the cocktail party.

A. Found

B. Find

C. Finding

D. Finds

7. We _____ a really good bar near the hotel.

A. Finding

B. Found

C. Finds

D. Find

8. Campbell was _____ guilty of possessing heroin.

A. Finds

B. Finding

C. Found

D. Find

9. Some of the stolen property was _____ in Mason's house.

A. Finding

B. Find

C. Finds

D. Found

10. I couldn't _____ a parking space near the shops.

A. Finding

B. Find

C. Finds

D. Found

Find, Finds, Found, Finding Video Quiz

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