Disprove, Disproves, Disproved, Disproving Quiz Online

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Disprove, Disproves, Disproved, Disproving Quiz Questions

1. This question is important enough that the Clay Mathematical Institute will give $1,000,000 to anyone who successfully provides a proof or a valid explanation that _____ it.

A. Disproved

B. Disproving

C. Disprove

D. Disproves

2. The Aristotle/Ptolemy ideas about the position of the stars and sun was _____ in 1609.

A. Disproving

B. Disprove

C. Disproved

D. Disproves

3. In his work, "Critique of Pure Reason", he tries to show that all attempts of either proving the existence of God, or _____ it, end in logical contradictions.

A. Disproving

B. Disprove

C. Disproves

D. Disproved

4. Theoretic atheism tries to find arguments against the existence of god, and to _____ the arguments of theism, such as the argument from design or Pascal's Wager.

A. Disproved

B. Disproves

C. Disprove

D. Disproving

5. This _____ the theories of Vulcan.

A. Disproved

B. Disproves

C. Disprove

D. Disproving

6. For a long time people thought that there was no way to prove or _____ what was for Einstein an article of faith.

A. Disproved

B. Disproves

C. Disproving

D. Disprove

7. The two parties _____ the theory of the other, but unite in persecuting the dissenter.

A. Disproving

B. Disprove

C. Disproved

D. Disproves

8. This was because the US military and government told its own citizens that the US was close to winning, but the Tet Offensive _____ that.

A. Disproved

B. Disproving

C. Disprove

D. Disproves

9. These figures _____ Smith's argument.

A. Disprove

B. Disproves

C. Disproving

D. Disproved

10. Evidence has now _____ that theory.

A. Disproves

B. Disproved

C. Disproving

D. Disprove

Disprove, Disproves, Disproved, Disproving Video Quiz

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