Bend, Bends, Bent, Bending Quiz Online


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Bend, Bends, Bent, Bending Quiz Questions


1. I cricked my back _____ to pick up the suitcase.


A. Bend

B. Bent

C. Bends

D. Bending


2. The old man _____ with a heavy burden on his back.


A. Bent

B. Bending

C. Bends

D. Bend


3. The iron rod supporting the valances was _____ in an arc.


A. Bends

B. Bending

C. Bent

D. Bend


4. He remained _____ over for several seconds before slowly straightening up.


A. Bent

B. Bends

C. Bending

D. Bend


5. Soon the truck came into sight around a _____ and on an upgrade.


A. Bent

B. Bending

C. Bends

D. Bend


6. The path soon _____ to the right then straightens out.


A. Bent

B. Bend

C. Bending

D. Bends


7. We started the session with a few knee _____ to warm up.


A. Bent

B. Bend

C. Bends

D. Bending


8. I _____ down to lift the box off the floor.


A. Bends

B. Bend

C. Bending

D. Bent


9. He _____ towards me and whispered in my ear.


A. Bending

B. Bend

C. Bent

D. Bends


10. Prince led the field as they came around the final _____.


A. Bending

B. Bent

C. Bends

D. Bend


Bend, Bends, Bent, Bending Video Quiz



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