Bear, Bore, Born, Bearing Quiz Online


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Bear, Bore, Born, Bearing Quiz Questions


1. Tom was _____ profoundly deaf.


A. Bearing

B. Bear

C. Bore

D. Born


2. There's not much precedent for men taking leave when their baby is _____.


A. Bore

B. Born

C. Bearing

D. Bear


3. I can't _____ the atmosphere in this house much longer.


A. Born

B. Bore

C. Bearing

D. Bear


4. Forty lambs were _____ this spring.


A. Bore

B. Bearing

C. Bear

D. Born


5. Ruth could not _____ to watch her parents arguing.


A. Bore

B. Bearing

C. Bear

D. Born


6. Passengers could be insulting, and stewardesses just had to grin and _____ it.


A. Bear

B. Born

C. Bore

D. Bearing


7. Products _____ famous trademarks sell well.


A. Born

B. Bore

C. Bear

D. Bearing


8. 'That's the house where I was _____,' she said wistfully.


A. Bearing

B. Bore

C. Bear

D. Born


9. It's the little people who _____ the brunt of taxation.


A. Born

B. Bore

C. Bear

D. Bearing


10. In a moment he stumbled into a trap, set by _____-catchers.


A. Born

B. Bearing

C. Bear

D. Bore


Bear, Bore, Born, Bearing Video Quiz



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