Awake, Awoke, Awoken, Awaking Quiz Online


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Awake, Awoke, Awoken, Awaking Quiz Questions


1. She _____ to the danger.


A. Awake

B. Awoke

C. Awoken

D. Awaking


2. How do you stay _____ during boring lectures?


A. Awake

B. Awaking

C. Awoken

D. Awoke


3. I have lain _____ all night thinking of them.


A. Awake

B. Awaking

C. Awoken

D. Awoke


4. The gesture _____ an unexpected flood of tenderness towards her.


A. Awaking

B. Awoken

C. Awake

D. Awoke


5. John _____ from a fitful sleep .


A. Awake

B. Awoke

C. Awaking

D. Awoken


6. We drank gallons of coffee to keep ourselves _____.


A. Awake

B. Awoken

C. Awoke

D. Awaking


7. He _____ from a sound sleep.


A. Awaking

B. Awoken

C. Awake

D. Awoke


8. We must _____ to our responsibilities.


A. Awoken

B. Awaking

C. Awoke

D. Awake


9. It was midday when she _____.


A. Awake

B. Awoken

C. Awaking

D. Awoke


10. The child's hoops kept her parents _____ all night.


A. Awoken

B. Awaking

C. Awoke

D. Awake


Awake, Awoke, Awoken, Awaking Video Quiz



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