IELTS Speaking Part 2 Question:

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. You should say:

  • what the decision was
  • why it was difficult
  • what options you considered
  • and what the outcome of the decision was.


Answer #1

The difficult decision I had to make was when I had to choose between pursuing my dream of becoming an actor or settling for a more stable career. It was a tough decision because I had always been passionate about acting, but at the same time, I knew that the industry was highly competitive, and success was not guaranteed. I considered various options, including taking acting classes, working on my skills, and auditioning for roles while keeping a part-time job to sustain myself. However, as time passed, I realized that I was not making any significant progress, and the constant rejection was taking a toll on my mental health. Eventually, I made the difficult decision to put my acting career on hold and focus on building a more stable career. I took up a job as a marketing executive, which helped me gain valuable experience and financial stability. Although it was a tough call, it turned out to be the right decision in the long run as it allowed me to live a more comfortable life.

Answer #2

One of the most difficult decisions I had to make was choosing between two job offers. I was fresh out of college and had to decide between a job that paid well but was in a different state, or a lower-paying job in my hometown. It was a difficult decision because I had to consider several factors such as salary, location, company culture, and growth opportunities. The job in my hometown offered a lower salary, but it was a company that aligned with my values, and I had the opportunity to learn and grow within the organization. On the other hand, the job in a different state offered a higher salary, but it was in a new environment, and I wasn't sure if I would fit in. After weighing my options, I decided to take the job in my hometown. I believed it would be a better long-term decision, and I would have more opportunities for growth within the company. Looking back, it was the right decision as I have since been promoted to a higher position, and I have built a great network of colleagues and mentors.

Answer #3

A difficult decision I had to make was when I had to choose between studying abroad or staying in my home country to take care of my elderly parents. I had always dreamt of studying abroad and experiencing a new culture, but I also felt a responsibility towards my parents. It was a tough call, and I considered various options, such as taking them along with me, hiring a caretaker, or postponing my plans. However, after much contemplation, I decided to stay back and take care of my parents. It was a difficult decision, but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. Although I missed out on the opportunity to study abroad, I do not regret my decision. I was able to spend quality time with my parents, and I learned many life skills that have helped me become a better person. Moreover, I was able to pursue my studies through online courses and distance learning, which allowed me to balance my responsibilities.

Answer #4

A difficult decision I had to make was when I had to choose between accepting a job offer in a new city or staying in my current job, which I enjoyed but did not offer much room for growth. The new job offered a higher salary and better opportunities for advancement, but it also meant leaving my comfort zone and starting anew in a new city. It was a difficult decision because I had to weigh the pros and cons of each option and consider how it would impact my career and personal life. I considered various options, such as negotiating with my current employer, visiting the new city to see if it would be a good fit, or declining the new job offer. After much contemplation, I decided to take the new job offer as I saw it as a better opportunity for personal and professional growth. Although it was a tough call, it turned out to be the right decision as it allowed me to gain valuable experience and build my career.

Answer #5

One of the most difficult decisions I had to make was when I had to choose between taking a gap year to travel the world or starting college immediately after high school. I had always dreamed of exploring different cultures and experiencing new adventures, but I also felt pressure to pursue higher education and start building my career. It was a difficult decision because I had to consider the financial implications, the impact on my academic and career goals, and the potential risks and rewards of both options. I considered various options, such as studying abroad during college, taking a gap year after college, or deferring my admission to college. After much contemplation, I decided to take a gap year and travel the world. It was a tough call, but I felt that it was the right decision as it allowed me to gain valuable life experiences, broaden my perspective, and discover my passions. Moreover, it helped me gain clarity on what I wanted to study in college and what career path to pursue.