IELTS Speaking Part 2 Question:

Describe a goal that you have for your future. You should say:

  • what the goal is
  • how you plan to achieve it
  • why the goal is important to you
  • and what challenges you might face in reaching the goal.


Answer #1

One of my goals for the future is to become fluent in a foreign language, specifically Spanish. I plan to achieve this goal by taking classes, practicing speaking and listening skills with native speakers, and immersing myself in the language as much as possible. The reason why this goal is important to me is that it will open up new opportunities for travel, cultural exchange, and personal growth. I believe that being able to communicate effectively in another language will also make me a more empathetic and well-rounded individual. One of the challenges that I might face in reaching this goal is finding the time and resources to dedicate to language learning. I will need to balance this goal with other commitments such as work and family responsibilities. Additionally, I may struggle with overcoming the fear of making mistakes or feeling embarrassed when speaking with native speakers.

Answer #2

Another goal that I have for my future is to start my own business. I plan to achieve this goal by researching potential markets, developing a business plan, and seeking funding and mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs. The reason why this goal is important to me is that it will allow me to pursue my passions and make a positive impact in my community. I also believe that owning a business will give me a greater sense of autonomy and financial stability. One of the challenges that I might face in reaching this goal is overcoming the fear of failure and taking risks. Starting a business involves a great deal of uncertainty and requires a willingness to learn from mistakes and adapt to changing circumstances. I will also need to develop strong leadership and management skills in order to successfully run a business.

Answer #3

A third goal that I have for my future is to earn a graduate degree in my field of study. I plan to achieve this goal by researching different programs, preparing for standardized tests, and applying for scholarships and grants to help fund my education. The reason why this goal is important to me is that it will allow me to deepen my knowledge and expertise in my chosen field. I believe that earning a graduate degree will also increase my earning potential and enhance my career opportunities. One of the challenges that I might face in reaching this goal is balancing the demands of graduate school with other responsibilities such as work and family. Additionally, the application process can be competitive and stressful, requiring me to stay organized and focused on my goals.

Answer #4

A fourth goal that I have for my future is to travel to all seven continents. I plan to achieve this goal by saving money, researching travel options and destinations, and taking advantage of opportunities to travel for work or personal reasons. The reason why this goal is important to me is that it will allow me to experience different cultures, landscapes, and people from around the world. I believe that traveling to different parts of the world will also help me become more open-minded and adaptable. One of the challenges that I might face in reaching this goal is finding the time and resources to travel extensively. Additionally, some destinations may be more difficult or dangerous to travel to, requiring me to plan carefully and take necessary precautions.

Answer #5

Answer #5

Another goal that I have for my future is to become a published author. I plan to achieve this goal by writing consistently, seeking feedback and critique from other writers, and submitting my work to literary agents and publishers. The reason why this goal is important to me is that I have a passion for writing and storytelling. Becoming a published author would allow me to share my stories with a wider audience and inspire others to pursue their creative dreams. One of the challenges that I might face in reaching this goal is facing rejection and criticism. The publishing industry can be competitive and subjective, and I will need to develop resilience and persistence in order to succeed. Additionally, I may struggle with balancing the demands of writing with other responsibilities such as work and family.