IELTS Speaking Part 2 Question:

Talk about a hobby or interest that you have. You should say:

  • what the hobby or interest is
  • how long you have been interested in it
  • what you enjoy about it
  • and how it has affected your life.


Answer #1

One hobby that I enjoy is playing the guitar. I have been playing the guitar for about five years now, and I enjoy it because it allows me to express myself creatively and relax after a long day. Playing the guitar has also had a positive impact on my life in terms of developing my musical skills and learning to be patient and disciplined. I enjoy practicing new techniques and learning new songs, and I have even had the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Overall, playing the guitar is a hobby that brings me joy and allows me to express myself in a unique way.

Answer #2

One interest that I have is photography. I have been interested in photography for about three years now, and I enjoy it because it allows me to capture and share special moments and experiences. Photography has also had a positive impact on my life in terms of developing my creativity and attention to detail. I enjoy experimenting with different techniques and styles, and I have even had the opportunity to sell some of my photos. Overall, photography is an interest that allows me to express my creativity and share my experiences with others.

Answer #3

One hobby that I enjoy is hiking. I have been interested in hiking for about two years now, and I enjoy it because it allows me to explore and appreciate the natural world. Hiking has also had a positive impact on my life in terms of improving my physical fitness and mental health. I enjoy challenging myself on different trails and experiencing the sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching a summit. Overall, hiking is a hobby that brings me closer to nature and allows me to improve my physical and mental well-being.

Answer #4

One interest that I have is cooking. I have been interested in cooking for as long as I can remember, and I enjoy it because it allows me to experiment with different flavors and ingredients and share my creations with others. Cooking has also had a positive impact on my life in terms of improving my nutrition and teaching me important life skills such as planning and organization. I enjoy trying new recipes and techniques, and I have even had the opportunity to cook for large groups of people. Overall, cooking is an interest that allows me to express my creativity and share my love of food with others.

Answer #5

One hobby that I enjoy is reading. I have been interested in reading for as long as I can remember, and I enjoy it because it allows me to explore new worlds and perspectives and improve my knowledge and understanding of the world. Reading has also had a positive impact on my life in terms of improving my vocabulary and critical thinking skills. I enjoy reading a variety of genres and topics, and I have even had the opportunity to participate in book clubs and discussions. Overall, reading is a hobby that allows me to escape reality and explore new ideas and perspectives.