1. Directions

You will read passages on the topic and then answer questions about them. You may find vocabulary at the end of the test. Read the questions carefully before choosing the correct answers.

2. Questions of the test

Question 1. What is the purpose of weight lifting in the Olympic Games?
A) To increase muscle mass and definition
B) To test strength and form
C) To build strength and stamina
D) To speed recovery from illness

Question 2. What is power lifting?
A) A type of weight lifting that emphasizes form and balance
B) A type of weight lifting that emphasizes sheer strength
C) A type of weight lifting that is only for men
D) A type of weight lifting that is only for women

Question 3. What is the Mr. Universe contest?
A) A weight lifting competition for men
B) A weight lifting competition for women
C) A competition for men to develop their bodies
D) A competition for women to develop their bodies

Question 4. What equipment is used in competitive weight lifting?
A) Dumbbells
B) Kettlebells
C) Medicine balls
D) Barbells

Question 5. Which of the following lifts is no longer used in competitive weight lifting?
A) Snatch
B) Clean and jerk
C) Press
D) None of the above